Upload Landscape Videos with Vertical Covers on Instagram | Step-by-step Tutorial

Many of my 1-1 Canva coaching clients will often create a landscape talking head style videos to either upload to YouTube or because they find it easier to do if using Zoom as their recording device.

The issue is when it comes time to upload the landscape video to platforms like Instagram, it’s hard to upload a Reel or video cover image that includes the title of the video without it getting cut off or looking weird and wonky.

I created this step-by-step video for solopreneurs who struggle with uploading landscape videos to Instagram with vertical covers so you can create content without sacrificing design to make this work.

Check out the video below where I show you the steps and jump onto my phone (this was a lot of work to put together LOL - but also fun!). Let me know if you have questions, friends :)

Helpful? Yes or no? Let me know if you have questions after you’ve tried doing it this way, and if you have a better way that you’ve found, please share it with us in the comments below.

K. x


Embracing a Slower, More Intentional Life and Business in 2024


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